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Terms & Conditions UK and Worldwide Operations - By using this website you accept and agree to these Terms & Conditions.

1.1 In these conditions the following words have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:
"The Company" shall mean Affiliate Dating Limited (Registered in England with Company No: 04685115 at Beresford House, Plumpton Green, Lewes, East Sussex BN8 4EN) the owning person, partnership or company, including Franchisees, Affiliates and Licensees of Affiliate Dating Limited, their registered domain names, their registered logos under copyright and any and all coding, databases and web sites and any other material, goods or chattels pertaining to the them.
"Agreement" means the agreement between you and The Company incorporating these conditions for the provision of the service.
"Intellectual property rights" means all patents, database rights, copyright, design rights (whether registered or unregistered), trade marks (whether registered or unregistered) and other similar right wherever existing in the world together with the right to apply for protection of the same.
"Liability" means any liability or liabilities that may be considered or lodged against or made in association to The Company as a consequence of use of this service, which is provided in 'Good Faith' by The Company.
"Member" means any person whose membership The Company has accepted and whose membership remains in force at any given time.
"Post" means to upload any information being either written text or picture image on to the database of any of The Company's websites.
"Upload" means to load to the database in a members profile any written text or picture image by way of adding such information to ones profile.
"Profile" means the section containing your personal information, description / statistics, images, search information and other details posted by you and pertaining to you.
"Service" means the service or services provided on this or any other site by The Company or any other points of contact or services provided by The Company.
"User" Whilst any person may browse this site, "User" pertains to a paid member who actively uses this site and its services for the purposes for which it was intended to be used..
"Web Site" means any Web Site or URL operated or registered to The Company or its Franchisees, Affiliates and Licensees anywhere in the world at any given time.
"You", "you", "Your", "your", "Yourself", "yourself", "Browser", "browser" means any person whose uses this or browses this site.

2. Eligibility
2.1 By accepting these conditions you warrant and represent to us that:
2.2 You are over eighteen (18) years of age;
2.3 That you have full Citizenship within the country where our sites operate and are intended to be used in and are not an illegal alien in that country.
2.4 That you have not been convicted of any offence relating to violence or any offence equivalent to those as defined by English Law under the Protection of Harassment Act 1997, and you have not been subject to any injunction or any order to pay damages under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (or under any statutory enactment replacing or amending such Acts).
If you do not, will not or are not able to give such warranties and representations as set out above then you must not apply for membership.

3. Basis of Contract
3.1 This is a legally binding contract between The Company and you for the provision of the service.
3.2 These conditions shall govern the agreement between The Company and you to the exclusion of any other terms or conditions and you agree to abide by these terms and conditions, which can be amended by The Company from time to time without prior notice or liability to the company.
3.3 The Company's employees, sub-contractors or agents (unless confirmed by The Company in writing) can not change the service. You acknowledge that you do not rely on any representation or warranty that has not been made in accordance with these terms and conditions.
3.4 We reserve the right to monitor and at discretion of The Company remove for any reason that we see fit, any information including picture images, text or other material either as part of your Profile or by you in our chat rooms or in any other area where The Company has dealings with you in respect of your use of this Site.
3.5 We shall reserve the right to refuse to register applications for membership and to terminate at any time any membership by you if we see fit to do so without recourse by you.
3.6 The Agreement between The Company and you shall come into effect upon the acceptance of your application for membership via e-mail to you by The company.
3.7 You will not be able to contact other members, read or reply to other members or use our chat rooms until we have received payment.

4. Price and payment
4.1 The price of the service shall be available for viewing by all on the payment page on the Web site.
4.2 We reserve the right to change the amount we charge from time to time in accordance with promotions and incentives but these shall not effect existing members who have paid and been approved to use Our web sites.
4.3 By paying the price on the first occasion You acknowledge and accept that You are automatically agreeing and consenting to make the same payment at monthly, quarterly, six monthly or yearly intervals until You or The Company terminate this Agreement in accordance with the terms included herein.
4.4 The Company under this Agreement will bear any applicable banking charges on such payments but all payments specified on Web site for The Company's services will be without any set-off, deduction, counterclaim, or any other withholding of monies by you. Payment shall not be deemed to have been made until we receive either cleared cash, credit card or cleared funds in respect of full amounts outstanding.
4.5 The Company or you may terminate this agreement at anytime. Termination will require written notification on either side and it is given and understood that e-mails are acceptable under this part of the Agreement.
4.6 All monies paid by you are non-refundable and cancellation of this Agreement by either party will not entitle you to any refund of monies paid by you to The Company.
4.7 Claiming monies back: Any monies paid out by yourselves to recover a debt will be added on to the debt for recovery.

5. Members obligations
5.1 You will not;
5.2 Post your personal details such as telephone numbers (either mobile or landline) or e-mail addresses or Your URL in your profile or any other information, which would allow other Members or Users to contact you directly.
5.3 Intellectual Property Rights must be respected and you will not use this service to breach any such rights or infringe the law in any way shape or form across any country in the world where the company operates.
5.4 You will not use this service to promote any other site, service, business or activity.
5.5 You must gain the permission or consent of the owner or party before you affect anyone's Intellectual Property rights.
5.6 You will not copy any material in, on or in association with the Web site.
5.7 You will not use our database of members for the marketing of any products including but not limited to 'chain letters' and any such like information.
5.8 As a member you will not have the right to pass on any personal information to any other third party once that information (including picture images) has been uploaded to our site without our prior written permission in the event that you become famous. In any such event we may be able to receive a commission for our introductory services.
5.9 Any information about our Web site that is not generally available shall be deemed private to and shall not be disclosed by you to any Third parties.
5.10 You will not upload any photographs or pictures that are of an explicit nature including but not limited to those depicting sexual acts whether with others or animals, abuse of children in any form, self mutilation, threatening, violent, abusive, racist, sexually suggestive, obscene, death, war, nudity or to transmit or forward to others any such information or images. To do so will constitute a breach of Contract and your Membership will be terminated immediately and any monies paid by you will not be refunded.
5.11 Any decision on the suitability of such information or pictures as described above in point 5.10, will be made by the site Administrator and shall be deemed as final.
5.12 You will not use this site for political or religious propaganda or to instigate upheaval in any form.
5.13 The Company reserves the right to inform any department of the Police services in any part of the world in which the company operates if in the event that we receive any such material in any form as we consider being of a nature where an illegal act has occurred, depicted to have occurred or is likely to occur.

6. Your Profile
6.1 You acknowledge that other Members or users will be able to view your pictures, profile and the details that you have entered that have been approved by Us for use on The Company' Web sites, and on other websites supplied by datafeeds from The Company's Web sites.
6.2 You acknowledge that we may use any image or information that you add to your profile once approved by Us and posted by you on The Company's Web site in any way that we see fit for the promotion of The Companies web sites and for the purposes of approved datafeeds to other dating and meeting websites.
6.3 You acknowledge that if you forward or pass on personal information to any other User, that you do so entirely at your own risk.
6.4 You acknowledge that your pictures, profile and the details that you have entered maybe provided to other dating and meeting websites by the use of XML or other datafeeds.
6.5 You agree that all information posted by You will be accurate, true, complete and not misleading in any way shape of form. That after approval any amendments by you will be complete and will be true, accurate and complete and not misleading in any way shape or form.
6.6 We reserve the right to approve or decline any such amendments as we see fit, to approve or decline any picture images as we see fit and that our decision is final.
6.7 We reserve the right to occasionally view your profile and to suspend your profile if for any reason we decide that the detail (whether text, picture image or any other such information) is in our opinion not suitable for use on The Company's Web site at that time. You will be contacted by e-mail and you will have forty eight hours to amend the detail causing the suspension and if after the period of forty eight hours has elapsed you have not amended the information and sent that information back to us for our approval we will cancel Your Membership and no refund of monies paid by You will be made.
6.8 As your profile is part of a networked system, your profile will appear on other dating sites that are linked to this network. In the same way people that are shown within this site may be a member of another dating service.
6.9 By joining this service you give full permission for your profile to be shown on the network.

7. Termination
7.1 Is constituted by you if:
7.2 You fail to make full and proper payment.
7.3 You breach our terms of agreement.
7.4 You fail to rectify details on your profile at The Company's request.
7.5 You are reported as causing offence to others whilst using The Company's chat rooms or by email contacts.
7.6 We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your Membership at any given time and that any monies owed or outstanding by you will become immediately payable to us and if we have access to recovery of such monies you authorize us to collect such payments in any manner that we see fit without counter claim by You.
7.7 We reserve the right to cancel your Membership if for any reason and at any time you have been contacted by The Company but You have not responded by a given point of time or responded in an-appropriate manner befitting our reasonable request.
7.8 You may terminate this Agreement at any given time and acknowledge that any monies paid by you to The Company will be non-refundable.
7.9 We reserve the right to terminate your Membership if we become aware that you have fraudulently completed our Membership application or your payment has been made fraudulently or you are prosecuted under the Protection of Harassment Act 1997 or for any other reason that The Company's administrators feel pertinent to act on at any given time.
7.10 Without Prejudice, We reserve the right to terminate the Membership of and take legal action/s against any Member, Person or body who in our reasonable opinion causes or attempts to cause damage or potential damage to our business in any way shape or form.

8. Intellectual Property Rights
8.1 The Company owns exclusively all Intellectual Property Rights in respect of this/its Programme/s and Web site/s worldwide.
8.2 All copyright in your profile is with full title guarantee given over exclusively to The Company and you warrant to The Company that all information uploaded by you is solely of you, about you and any picture images are purely of you and owned by you prior to being given over to The Company.
8.3 It is given by your agreement with these terms and conditions that you waive all Intellectual Property Rights in respect of ownership by The Company of your profile.
8.4 You acknowledge that The Company will use all reasonable commercial endeavours to ensure that your personal information and detail such as credit card numbers are maintained in a confidential way or manner and details will only be disclosed if required by law or if they are common knowledge.

9. Guarantee
9.1 We make no guarantees that the service provided by The Company would be suitable to any individual person and that each and every person accepts the service in its current form at any given time.
9.2 We make no guarantees of the material accuracy of any individual writer's profile or the images contained therein.
9.3 We do not guarantee that individuals will achieve any pre envisaged results described, orientated to or portrayed in any advertising in respect of this or any other site in The Company's portfolio.
9.4 We do not guarantee success or offer any compensation for the lack of success of any individual in respect of meeting others whilst using this or any other service in The Company's portfolio.
9.5 If for any reason The Company makes alterations to the web site and the service is reduced in any way shape or form then the individual paying member will have additional days added to his or her membership equivalent to the down time of the service.

10. Use of Service
10.1 The Company provides this web site so that individual persons may upload information about themselves in order to interact with others either in our monitored chat rooms or via e-mail.
10.2 The service is provided on a subscribed basis and the fees for paid membership are set out on the pages as advertised on our web site.
10.3 We do not accept liability for misleading information on any person's profile whether in text or picture image nor do we accept liability for the behaviour of the individual should persons agree to meet. You as the individual should satisfy yourself that the person who you have arranged to meet is actually who they say they are.
10.4 The Company can accept no liability in any event that harm is done to an individual. If you arrange to meet a person you do so at your own risk and The Company can not be held responsible for any reason whatsoever.
10.5 In the event of such an occurrence where harm or threats of harm are administered to an individual you should contact 'Crime stoppers' on 0800 555 111(UK only)

11. Limitations on Liability
11.1 The Company shall not be liable for any defect in the service caused by you or any other individual in the household.
11.2 We shall have no liability to you in respect of any insurance policy or liable claim.
11.3 It may be possible that others may obtain or use your information for reasons of their own choosing, in such an event we will have no liability under the Data Protection act 1998 (UK or Worldwide) or be responsible for their individual actions or be liable for the consequences.
11.4 These terms and conditions are given and written with no liability being accepted by The Company for the misinterpretation of any material or suggestive fact or information but these terms are binding and governed by English Law and subject to exclusive jurisdiction through English courts. All worldwide Laws will be respected but will be subject to interpretations through English courts and subject exclusively to English Jurisdiction through English courts.
11.5 The Company gives you no assurance of the performance of the service in terms of technical reliability, speed or accuracy of the service.

12. Indemnity
12.1 You as the individual Browser or User whether a paid Member or free Member acknowledge that is your responsibility to indemnify yourself against liability from others for loss or damages in or for any form whatsoever.
12.2 Any breach of contract is the totally responsibly and liability of the individual and The Company shall have no liability in individual claims against or upon any other user.

13. General
13.1 The Company and the Browser or User or Member acknowledge that no third parties shall have any rights whatsoever.
13.2 No third parties shall have any right to enforce these terms of business in any part of the world.
13.3 If for any reason these terms give rise to an unforeseen liability it is given and understood that The Company shall have no liability and that all amendments by The Company shall be deemed as final and fulfilling of any obligation on the part of The Company.
13.4 This Agreement given by The Company and accepted by the User or Browser or Member shall be accepted as entire between all parties who use this service.

14. Contact
You can contact us by writing to:

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how Affiliate Dating uses and protects any information that you give Affiliate Dating when you use this website. Affiliate Dating is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. Affiliate Dating may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 13.03.2013

What we collect
We may collect the following information:
• Name, age, job title
• contact information including email address
• demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests

What we do with the information we gather
We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
• Internal record keeping.
• From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We may contact you by email, phone, fax or mail.
• We may use the information to customise the website according to your interests.
• We may provide your information to our third party partners for marketing or promotional purposes.
• We will never sell your information.

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

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