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When completing your profile ensure that you enter as much information about yourself as possible as well as what you are looking for in a person. Inside your heart you will have desires about your perfect partner. They may have black hair and have blue or brown eyes, or you may have a height preference. All these things count when people search profiles. The more you write in your profile the higher the chances of someone finding you in their searches, and coming to you. After all, they know what they are looking for just like you.

Place a recent photo of yourself on your profile. It is important to place a picture on your profile because it will dramatically improve the amount of viewers you have. You are therefore more likely to meet a person attracted to you and in a similar way you are more likely to contact a person who displays a picture that you find attractive.

After registration search all profiles and send messages to people you like the look of, or whose profile appeals to you. It's a bit like someone coming towards you down the street you like the look of. but they walk by and you continue on your way. You don't say anything because they may be married or someone else's partner for example. People who use this service are actively looking for a new partner and letting them know you are interested in them is easy and has no embarrassment. After all, what is the worst they can say...? No? - well nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Read messages immediately and more importantly reply to them. It is important to regularly check your profile for messages sent to you. This is because spontaneity is a big part of meeting people online and very much part of the excitement. Everyone loves to get messages, especially from someone who fancies them. The message you read may be from a person who will bring true love, happiness and fulfillment to your life, so go on read it immediately!

Signup! Being a fully paid member is important because without signing up, you are essentially mute, and are not able to communicate with other potential contacts. What good is it if you see the ideal partner walking down the street, but your mouth is sewn shut?!

Chat rooms are great fun when they are busy and we suggest all interested parties should log on at 9pm every night. Around this time is when the chat rooms are busiest, so come along and be part of the banter. Abusive and offensive content is filtered to provide a clean, polite, friendly environment to best allow new relationships to be forged.

Do your research. While we try to share as much information between users as possible, both you and ourselves have no way of knowing what the people that are signed up are actually like. Before giving anyone your contact details or arranging to meet them, build up a nice rapport, start to feel like you know the person well, and make sure you feel comfortable with them - do you trust them? This service provides a place for you to come and find people "per se" anonymously - your details such as email and address are not disclosed unless you give them out. When you decide to give someone, who you feel suited to you, your personal contact details, start by using your personal email address.

Meeting People Assuming you feel comfortable with a person, you may decide it's time to meet. If you do arrange to meet someone, ALWAYS tell a member of your family or close friend where and when you are going to meet. NEVER arrange to meet a person at your home on the first meeting, especially when you are meeting them alone. Make the first rendezvous somewhere public. When you meet someone for the first time and alcohol is available - refrain from drinking. If you must drink, then drink from a bottle and keep your thumb over the top of the bottle. If you go to the toilet, take your drink with you or get yourself a new bottle when you return to your meeting - err on the side of caution. If you find yourself in a situation that you feel uncomfortable with, never leave the public place. Call a family member or good friend and have them come and meet you. You could let them know prior to you meeting that you may need to call them later. If any harm is down to you or you receive threats of harm always report these events to Crime stoppers on: 0800 555 111 all calls are treated confidentially. Please inform us as well if any other member acts irrationally toward you if you meet them.

Be persistent. You are not likely to meet the love of your life on your first date, so don't expect too much, and have the confidence to be honest if the person you meet is not right for you. Equally if your date says they do not want to meet again, just accept it. No one should be disappointed or feel guilty. Just part on friendly terms, and remember there are many more potential people for you to meet through this website.

Spellchecking. If you are worried about making spelling mistakes, write out your messages in a word processor first, then copy and paste into your message box.

Make full use of the service. The longer your subscription, the cheaper the service is to use. Think a bit down the line, and rather than simply purchasing one month at a time, save yourself money and purchase a whole year. Don’t forget to keep your profile information current, and update your photo regularly to maximize the chances of your success

Beware of people trying to obtain your address or contact details, take things slowly and never pay monies to people. Report any person that is trying to use this site for fraud or any other reason other than genuine dating. If you are talking with anyone in another country take extra care as people are not always who they say they are.

There are many thousands of people who use this service; many have found lasting love and happiness. Be part of it, make some happiness for yourself by joining today and contacting singles in your area. Good luck, we are with you every step of the way.

Give us feedback
Let us know what you think of our website, and how you get on with the site and potential matches. We are here to help. We want to know about your successes (and problems if you have any), and we want to improve the site so that it gives you what you are looking for.


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